Hi folks,

i found some strange behaviour with lovely mc.

I use two (identical?) potato-systems, one of them two months old, the other
just installed from scratch - was formerly a SuSE6.1. I saved the /home from
the latter, and now maybe have some struggle with old config-files in my

The problem:

If i open an ftp link on the fresh installed machine, a lot of error
messages appear, beginning with a
|Could not parse:|
|                |
|^M              |

this happenes for every folder one the remote machine.
After that, i get a 

> More parsing errors will be ignored. (sorry)

and then

> File exists but can not be stat-ed: /welcome.msg No such file or directory 

This messages appeares for every file. The content of the remote dir is
shown, but i see for every folder one line


The vfs is not correctly mapped. It seems, that there happenes a translation
mistake for CR, LF or whatever.

Has anybody some suggestions?



        I. Reimann                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Inst. fuer Angew. Physik         +49 251 83-33527 (fon)
        Correnstr. 2-4                   +49 251 83-33513 (fax)
        D-48149 Muenster

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