that should use the tulip driver.  all cards based on the DECchip
21040/21041/21140 are tulip series chips. of course maybe 2114 is not the
same as 21140 if its not then sorry :) (got that info from the help
section of the 2.0.36 configuration)

btw eth0 will not be in /dev  so dont be suprised if you don't see it!  i
have 2 machines with tulip chipsets(no idea what brand/model) workin
great.  but my kernels are 2.0.36 compiled from source.


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      Linux System Administrator 
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
       Everett, WA 425-348-7336  
            Powered By:          
    Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP  
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On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Hugh Denman wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a Kingston PCI NIC, using the dec 2114 chipset. When I try to
> install debian, I'm told that I need to specify is_not_dec = 1 to modprobe.
> Unfortunately, I'm told that the symbol is_not_dec is not defined in
> de4x5.o. I grepped for is_not_dec in all the .o files, and had a look with
> ae; no sign of it. So I can't get /dev/eth0 up, which means I can't install
> debian.
> Can anyone help?
> Hugh Denman
> -- 
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