On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 10:46:02PM -0600, jh wrote:
> Hi. If I just want to install 1 program from dselect, would I want to go
> through and put an = sign by the programs that are currently installed so
> it doesn't have to go through all the files when installing? I hope this
> question makes sense.
  You *could* do that. But, it would be easier to use apt-get. For

  $ apt-get update              # Get the latest package listing
  $ apt-get -s install bind     # Tell me what would be done if
                                # installing bind
  $ apt-get install bind        # Actually install/upgrade package

| Eric G. Miller                        egm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

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