As a lot of you have experienced, the changes I made in modutils 2.3.5-1
managed to break a fair number of machines. I have just uploaded 2.3.6-3
to fix this. Let me explain what happened:

In /etc/modutils/paths there were a lot of path-statements to set the
default paths where depmod,insmod and modprobe would search for modules.
However with modutils 2.3.5 all those paths were also builtin-defaults,
so those statements were no longer needed. So I removed those since having
them in multiple places didn't seem needed.

Now comes the problem: if a `path'-statement is used in modules.conf,
all the default-paths will be ignored. A couple of packages added those
paths, for example ALSA. This meant that anyone who used such a package
would end up with a broken system.. unluckily this sneaked past my own
tests since I no longer use ALSA on my systems at home.

I have fixed this by adding a file /etc/modutils/0keep, which contains
a `keep'-statement. This prevens the default paths from being ignored
and fixed the just mentioned problems.

I apologize for the problems this may have caused, and hope this upload
will fix all of them. At least it works for me(TM)..


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