On 22/10/99 Milan Kliska wrote:

I'm looking for a nologin file which gets removed with rmnologin script. Is
that just a dummy file or what? I just want root to be able to login to this
specific computer. I couldn't find any information about this file, or the
file itself.

/etc/nologin when exists only root will be permitted to login all other users will be shown the contents of /etc/nologin and denied access, this is meant for temporary use only, such as when the system is being shutdown to prevent new users from connecting while giving time to already logged in users to close up and logout. it is not meant nor should be used to lock down your box in a permanent fashion.

I don't know if you are referring to remote users only or everyone, but nologin affects everyone regardless of where they come from, and root and never allowed to login from anywhere but the physical console (tty1-6)

if you don't want a user to login anymore permanently delete their account.

you should of course have a normal account that you use for day to day activity never use root for that.

the other options for denying some users access or access to certain services would be to use PAM but I will leave that to a excercise for the reader.

Ethan Benson
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