not sure if debian's sendmail includes the legal warning on connection but
i had a LOT OF PROBLEMS with that on outlook.  that piece of shit would
just dump crap to the SMTP server without looking for a response then puke
when it didnt work right.  i.e. it would try to send mail before the
server even ack'd it's hello.

to fix it i had to turn off the legal notice.  this may be fixed in
outlook now as i had this prob 6+ months ago.


----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
      Linux System Administrator 
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
       Everett, WA 425-348-7336  
            Powered By:          
    Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP  
-----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, denis miller wrote:

> I am trying to integrate a Debian server with some machines running M$
> Outlook.  (Customer choice, what can I say!)  Any suggestions about how
> to get them working together?
> Denis
> -- 
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