I have some audio cassettes that I would like to save
in mp3 format.  What software can I use to record .wav
files?  I will plug my walkman into the line input of
my sound card.  I tried wavr but when I played back
the result (with wavp) it was nothing but distortion! 
(I used the defaults except specifing input=line).  I
am guessing that I need some way to set the line input
level both on the volume setting of the walkman and
the mixer level to the sound card.  Is there some way
to pipe the sound file output into the player while
recording?  Problem is that I hear from the speakers
anyway since the sound card is routing the line in to
both the speakers and dsp during record (I think). 
Has anyone done this?  BTW the windows sound recorder
worked fine if I turned up the volume on the walkman
ALL THE WAY, but would only record 60 seconds. (BOO

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