"Gary Hennigan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You need to add localhost to a list in /etc/exim.conf, specifically
> the "local_domains" line.
> It should look something like:
> local_domains = hostname:hostname.junk.org:localhost
> This should fix you up.

One other thing, if you told the setup that you wanted local delivery
only it may not have modified /etc/inetd.conf properly. Check to make
sure you have a line in /etc/inted.conf like:

smtp            stream  tcp     nowait  mail    /usr/sbin/exim exim -bs

and a line in /etc/services like:

smtp            25/tcp         mail

If you have to change either of these you'll need to restart inetd via
killall -HUP inetd.

Of course you can test that all of the above is true, before looking
at the aforementioned files, by simply telnetting to port 25 of
localhost and seeing if you can connect, eg.,

telnet localhost 25

You should get a line from Exim identifying itself.


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