> On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 10:07:28PM +0000, John Carline wrote:
> After spending the last two days trying to convert a C 
> program I wrote some 6 years ago in microsoft C into linux. I
> just have to echo this question.

 This sort of question pops up on the C newsgroups and mailing lists
a lot. There *is* no ANSI C way to, for example, clear the screen. The
DOS functions from "conio.h" are completely separate from the C standard.
(Indeed, they are heavily tied to real-mode 8086 and CGA/VGA graphics
and PC hardware, and often can't even be *emulated* well on other

 In Unix there are plenty of libraries that can handle this sort of
thing. For text mode stuff, there's slrn, ncurses, and even termcap.
For graphical stuff, there's about three million libraries.


 Ray Ingles         (248) 377-7735         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

            Microsoft Windows - The defacto substandard.

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