Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

> I am trying to install slink from zero, but I am quite unable to install
> sucesfully the cdrom module. My cdrom is a Matshita cdrom CR 5633 (got
> this from the win95 previous installation).

Not familiar with this cdrom, so no help here.

> I had been able to install
> and read before from the cdrom, by just not entering any command line,
> after which I got some EOF backquote substitution error, but any way
> some "Installation succeded" came through. Even with this I can't read
> any from the Cdrom when making first installation with dselect. Tells me
> "cdrom not succesfully mounted"


I'm afraid it's not clear exactly what problems you're having.

Is your computer/cdrom capable of booting from the CD?
If so dselect will mount it after you select the multicd option. It'll mount it 

If your computer can't boot from the CD, life becomes more difficult.

Since you appear to have a base system running, try to mount your CD using 
/mnt' in place of '/dev/cdrom /cdrom' (assuming it's the most common cdrom 
mounting -
primary device on the secondary IDE. If not change accordingly.

Now if you can mount the cdrom, but dselect can't.  You can still tell dselect 
install from a mounted file system (the cdrom at /mnt) instead of  from a cdrom
("/mnt/dists/slink/main/binary-i386" for main, and
"/mnt/dists/slink/contrib/binary-i386" for contrib) Assuming you have a 
debian 2.1 disk,  yours may be different and you may have to search for the 
directory. I know that this is an ugly way of doing things, but it beats the 
hell out
of floppies.

If none of this help you, ask this list again with specific problems.

Good Luck


> I have tried mount -t  iso9660  /dev/cdrom  /cdrom, but with same
> result: I get some long list of attempts, but none gets anywhere.
> Another data of interest: when rebooting, I see CR-563 0x340 flashing.
> I have no idea what to do. I have been able to install the base system
> by rawriting2 the base14-x.bin files to floppies (7 of them), but seems
> a very long work to continue doing this.
> please help.
> Thanks,
> Antonio.
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