We at the CLUE Linux centre developed a minidebian distribution for use on the 
we are setting up for youth centres and those unable to afford a PIII 9000MHz
screamer.  Go to our web site at http://centre.linux.ca.


Frank Copeland wrote:

> Robert Parker wrote:
> >While worming through the pages I found a reference to
> >a compact verison of Debian installation that was
> >designed to work on a 486.  I have not been able to
> >find the link since, after 3 days of looking.  Is there
> >anyone that can direct me to the site where I can get
> >more information on the deployment of DEBIAN on a
> >relatively small 486 system?  Or was my image an
> >illusion of too many hours starring at a screen.
> I have slink (Debian 2.1r3) running on 2 486DX2/66 boxes, one with 32MB RAM
> and a 2G disk and the other with 12MB RAM and ~700MB of disk. The first is a
> full-blown internet box serving 3 dialin modems and running web, cache, news
> and mail servers. The other is mainly a mail server at the moment. I may
> turn it into a firewall/gateway one day. These are stock standard Debian
> installations, done initially from a CD then updated over the net. You can
> install just about everything useful (barring X) and get change from a 200MB
> disk. That includes everything you need to build a kernel.
> In my experience the key to getting good performance out of a 486 box is to
> stuff as much RAM into it as you can manage. The later motherboards that
> will take 2-4 16MB 72pin SIMMs are the best deal, but older ones with 30pin
> SIMMs will do, especially if you can score some 4MB SIMMs. I've run Debian
> succesfully on 486 boxes with 8MB of RAM, console only. I've run X and
> Netscape on a 486 with as little as 16MB, and it *was* painful at times, but
> not fatally so. Of course I now have an AMD K6-2/350 with 64MB and I'd never
> go back :-).
> I also have slink running on an Amiga 2000/030 with 5MB RAM and 236MB of
> disk. It does nothing but consume electrons at the moment, but it runs, it's
> on the net, and it does the sentimental side of me good to see the old
> workhorse do more than just prop up a monitor. One of these days I'll set up
> a web site and ftp archive on it.
> Frank
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