I have never got dhcpcd to work with 2.2.x kernels.
I did manage to get dhcpcd-sv to work, and that's included
in the dhcpcd package.  But I decided to use the dhclient package,
since it actually tells me what it's doing, and has never failed
to get me an IP from the DHCP Server my ISP uses.


On 28-Oct-99 Art Lemasters wrote:
>     The only way I've gotten dhcpcd to work with the Cisco 675
> here is to do (after the long wait for booting)
> dhcpcd -r -R
> with the dhcpcd -r being the key difference from the documentation
> statement about it working with 2.2.x kernels?  Maybe someone
> can help with further understanding of this.  ...think maybe it
> has something to do with my other configs on this machine?
> Art
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