
i have that @ http://yahoo.aphroland.org

having 1 html page is ..a lot of work, as is maintaining my links
page(adding 150-200 links takes several hours).  i used
yahoo.aphroland.org as my main "bookmarks" until i got hold of
mod_roaming.  yahoo.aphroland.org has 663 links now, it works great, but
like i said it takes a long time to update the bookmarks if i get
behind(been a good 3 months since i updated it).  i use links engine 1.1
by gossamer threads inc.  been usin it for
over a year.  i don't publically advertise that page although it recieves
quite a bit of hits,  i donated my database to some guy a while
back(forgot the domain name) so if you visit another site and see
identical links for some stuff thats mine:)  i really only maintain it for
myself, and to give others reference to the stuff i know/like..if i cant
remember a url i tell someone to search for it on my links site.

if you have any more ideas, let me know, preferrably something that is
automated and works accross multiple platforms(be it win9x nt linux

----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations       http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited      http://www.aphroland.org/
       Everett, WA 425-348-7336            http://www.linuxpowered.net/
            Powered By:                    http://comedy.aphroland.org/
    Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP            http://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

> Thursday, October 28, 1999, 7:40:49 AM, aphro wrote:
> > <insert other OS or machine here>..are over.  i submitted a feature
> > request to o pera to include such a feature..hope they do it.
>     Here it is...  Have an HTML doc somewhere with all the important links
> that you want.  Add more to it when required.  Gee, that was hard.
> -- 
>          Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
>          ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
> -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------

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