order a cd !!

my first debian install took 3 days due to bad cds and broken mirrors.  i
have found that ftp.fuller.edu is a good mirror site, metalab's mirror was
BADLY broken (had about half of slink) and i think cdrom's was
too.  www.linuxmall.com has good quality slink cds. cheap too.  there was
another place i ordered from that said were good(forgot the name it was
over a year ago) and it was crap, tons of CRC errors and curropted
files. and i advise against doing a download of the whole tree and
installing it like that, the tree is so complex its bound to screw up most
of the time.  have you tried a ftp install?  ive done a few ftp installs
and they go perfectly everytime.


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On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Mock Ko wrote:

> I'm pretty much now at the give-up point in trying to
> install debian.
> This is indeed a very hard thing for me to do, since I
> used to install 68k bsd systems manually (building
> scripts to mknod all the devices and such).
> I have now downloaded the ENTIRE debian tree, hoping
> that would help, but all I've done is waste download
> time.
> If I select "update" and then try to install, it looks
> for dpkg-perl part 1 and then fails when it can't find
> it (it says "I am looking for version   of dpkg-perl"
> - i.e. there is something seriously screwy with the
> script).
> If I don't select update, it installs a bunch of the
> programs that were selected, but it fails in the
> configuration phase of a bunch of them (this happens
> even when I select a basic setup such as
> workstation-std in the quick-select program).
> This is now my 6th attempt at installing debian.  I
> have so far not made it past the dselect phase even
> once.
> All I want to do is install a base system with tcp-ip
> and ipx networking, dhcpcd, X, and a basic window
> manager, so that I can go and get the latest kde, run
> some kind of GUI package manager, and then install any
> other things as I need them.
> I have no need for sendmail, ftpd, httpd, emacs, tex,
> and just about 98% of the other stuff that seems to
> get installed anytime you select anything besides the
> base install.
> Is there any way I can do this with Debian, or should
> I be seeking a different distribution?
> =====
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