Aaron Solochek wrote:
>Ok, as regular readers probably know, I was having problems with
>dselect.  It was complaing about not finding
>/usr/share/debconf/confmodule or something similar.  There was a
>/usr/share/debconf/confmodule.sh, so I decided, to cp that file leaving
>out the .sh, to appease dselect.  It seems to have worked, WTF?  What
>did I do?  why would this problem have surfaced in the first place.  Was
>it just checking for the existance of that file, and not actually
>reading or writing it?

I thought about symlinking confmodule to confmodule.sh, but instead I
upgraded debconf by hand, ie - 'apt-get install debconf'. That installed the
proper confmodule script, and 'apt-get dselect-upgrade' finished the job
without any more trouble. The problem seems to be packages requiring a more
recent version of debconf not having a proper versioned dependancy.


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