Hi, all

I'm trying to do a terminal-like application in perl5.

There is a serial-coupled box, which i try to handle.
I used minicom, works fine, but i have to set some filters and controls for in-
and output. So i tried following:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use English;
my ($kidpid, $lines, $liner, $port, $oldh);

unless (@ARGV == 1) { die "usage: $0 ttySx" }
($port) = @ARGV;

open(BOX, "+>/dev/$port") or die "can't connect to >/dev/$port $!";
# split the program into two processes, identical twins
die "can't fork: $!" unless defined($kidpid = fork());

# the if{} block runs only in the parent process
if ($kidpid) {
#       print STDERR "[pa Child#: $kidpid   Parent#: $$]\n";    #debug only
        # copy standard input to the BOX
        while (defined ($lines = <STDIN>)) {
                print "**s** $lines";   #deb: line sent
                print BOX $lines;
                if ($lines eq "exit\n") {
                        kill("TERM",$kidpid); # send SIGTERM to child
                        exit 0;
# the else{} block runs only in the child process
else {
#       print STDERR "[ch Child#: $kidpid   Parent#: $$]\n";    #debug only
        # copy BOX to standard output
        while (1){
                $liner = <BOX>;
                print STDOUT "**r** $liner";    # deb: line received

There seems to be some confusion between input- and outputbuffer.
I get 

**s** ati0
**r** ati0
**r** Xircom CreditCard Modem CM-56T (Revision 2.08)
**r** OK
**r** ati0
**r** Xircom CreditCard Modem CM-56T (Revision 2.08)
**r** OK

Does somebody know, what i'm doing wrong?
Is somewhere a perl-list?


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