
Currently /etc/init.d/quota runs at position 20 in runlevel 2 (default
installation) and this tends to take a very long time to run at bootup on
one particular server, and because a lot of the other services tend to
startup afterwards, either for alphabetic reasons within position 20, or
they are in a higher position, this particular Linux box is pretty much
inaccessible and useless whilst checking it's quotas.

Is there any harm in making the quota checking process further down the
line, after the likes of sendmail and apache have started, or does it run at
this position for a particular reason (i.e. it's better not to be modifying
the filesystem whilst it's running?).


Andrew Pollock                  Technical Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://www.bit.net.au/
Phone: +61 7 3252 1600
Fax: +61 7 3252 1900

Brisbane Internet Technology, an Asia Online Company

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