> From: Peter Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Would it be off-topic of me to ask if anyone else has named 
> > their Linux systems?

 At my house...

 grayswandir: main machine
 excalibur:   wife's Win machine
 sting:       laptop
 frakir:      mac
 dyrnwyn:     old 486
 irving:      old 386

 Bonus points to those who can spot the theme and describe the origins
of the individual names. :->

 Ray Ingles         (248) 377-7735           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "I can write programs that control air traffic, intercept ballistic
  missiles, reconcile bank accounts, control production lines."
 "So can I, and so can any man, but do they work when you do write them?"
      - Fred Brooks, after Shakespeare, in "The Mythical Man-Month"

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