On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, Daniel Mashao wrote:

>I once did it, but I forgot what I did. Searching the archives I could not
>find pine installation messages. Anyone remember? I just can't get used to
>mutt. It smells too much like vi and I find vi hard.

Get the source from any Debian mirror, last time I checked they were
in debian/project/experimental

- Get "foo.orig.tar.gz", "foo.diff.gz", and "foo".dsc
  (where "foo" is something like pine plus the version number)
- `dpkg-source -x foo.dsc`
- `cd foo`
- as root: `debian/rules binary`

You also need dpkg-dev and the development packages of the libs
required by Pine. This will patch the source, compile, and build
binary debs ready to install with dpkg/dselect. HTH

Philip Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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