On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

baptis >        Hi all,
baptis >        I'm having a hard time to configure mgetty on a 56 Kbs modem 
that can
baptis >only connect at 38.400 bps.

you may not know that you cannot connect to a 56k modem on an analog
line.  it must be a digital line on the end of the server to dial IN to
56k, an analog line is OK for dialing OUT to a 56k modem. also i dont
believe that most modems are set for incoming calls at 56k, i think you
gotta have a special modem, like USR Courier or something..i use Ascend
MAX 4000 and Livingston portmaster for all my 56k lines

best you will get on an analog line no matter what you got is 33.6k


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