Also available from O'Reilly is the "Perl CD Bookshelf". It's 6 books in
html format on one cd. You get:
Learning Perl
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems
Programming Perl
Advanced Perl Programming
Perl Cookbook
Perl in a Nutshell

... all in html format, plus a bonus dead tree copy of "Perl in a

IMO pretty good value if you don't mind reading from your PC - costs
less than if you bought paper versions of both "Learning Perl" and
"Programming Perl".

(I dont work for O'Reilly, but I do enjoy their books ;)


Adam Shand wrote:
> > I have "Perl Cookbook" ISBN 1-56592-243-3. Here is the blurb on the back
> > cover:
> i would tend to recommend the oreilly "learning perl" for a novice.  just
> read a chapter a night and do the excercises and in a week you should no
> 90% of the perl you're likely to  need.  if you need more after that the
> perl cookbook or the camel book should do you fine as a reference.
> > Try as well as Amazon: their prices vary.
> better yet try  you put in the book you want, and where
> you live and it goes and queries all the major online sellers and tells
> you who's the cheapest (including shipping which is useful when you live
> in alaska :-) and how long it'll take each company to actually deliver
> etc.
> it's a cool service.
> adam.
> --
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