On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

hamish >
hamish >There are tools to let NT read and write FAT32, but they cost money.
hamish >That's one possible solution.

fat32 readonly support for NT is free i believe..and readonly support for
NTFS in win9x is free too i think(but unstable)

hamish >There are tools to let Windows read ext2fs, but they're read-only it 
hamish >There are tools to let 95 read/write NTFS, but they cost more money
hamish >than the other way around, and Linux doesn't have (non-experimental)
hamish >write support yet.
hamish >
hamish >Any other suggestions?

what i used to do was have 1 partition that was fat16 that was used mainly
for transferring stuff between incompadible OSs.  there is 1 or 2
read/write utils for win9x for EXT2 but they are experimental, and i would
stick to the read only stuff. i think for NT at least you may be better
off deleting it and installing it in a VMware virtual machine, win9x on
the other hand is more for games..and if your much of a gamer it may be
harder to get rid of. but of coruse vmware isnt free..its well worth it
though it runs fast and is stable and easy to use.

you could always build a second linux box and run a SAMBA/NFS server on it


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