I had a similar problem with S3 ViRGE with XF86_SVGA, the console
character set got f****d up after switching from X to a VC.  I used to
fix this by running "setfont" (from the kdb package) after every


On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 09:48, Phil Brutsche wrote:

> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > I've just installed Debian on my son's computer; everything has gone
> > pretty smoothly except that when I switch from X to a console I
> > frequently get gibberish. I can't clear it with reset, tty sane, or
> > ctrl-v ctrl-c and I have to reboot,
> That happens with some combinations of video cards and X servers.  For
> example:
>  * Matrox G200 AGP with XF86_SVGA -> no problem text->X and back
>  * S3 ViRGE with XF86_SVGA -> same problem you have
>  * S3 ViRGE with XF86_S3V -> no problem text->X and back
> (on the S3 it might be the other way around - it's been a while since I've
> tried)
> Without knowing more about your computer, the only thing I can say
> is: Don't do that!
> Sorry.

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