* Evan Moore said:
> I have been reading about securing my linux box and it mentions making
> /etc readable only by root. Would this mess up anything by making making
> all of the /etc file permisions 600?
Hmm... Is it Microsoft Security Bulletin you've been reading? :)))
Seriously, "securing" /etc in that way would break some 80% of programs out
there on your Linux box. Take /etc/passwd for one - (g)libc looks up users
in that file (unless you use the DB databases), /etc/group - ditto,
/etc/services, /etc/Muttrc, shell global startup scripts and dozens and
dozens of others. Making /etc 600 is an excellent example of "security by
obscurity" - a very poor security measure. There *are* config files which
should be readable only by root and are used only by programs running as
root. There are also files which are read only by a specific program ran
with a specific user's rights. These you can make 600 and chown to the user
that has to access them. If you really insist on hiding the contents of the
/etc directory from an average user and still allowing the programs to
access their config files set the /etc permissions to 711.


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