I've been getting dropped from my ISP unexpectedly from time to time
and I'm not sure how to go about debugging it.  There is nothing
unusual in syslog or messages, but I noticed this in ppp.log. (kernel
2.2.12 pppd 2.3p5).  Any debugging tips would be greatly appreciated!

Dec  2 23:38:08 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xbf
Dec  2 23:38:38 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc0
Dec  2 23:39:08 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc1
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: No response to 4 echo-requests
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: Serial link appears to be
Dec  2 23:39:38 Sith pppd[22741]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "Peer not
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Modem hangup
Dec  2 23:39:40 Sith pppd[22741]: Connection terminated.
Dec  2 23:39:41 Sith pppd[22741]: Exit.

Is it just because things are hairy on the ISP end?  As soon as I dial
back in, everything works fine again (and there is no apparent time
interval for which this happens).

I know about the lcp-echo options and will play around with them, but
I'm hoping someone can tell me whats going on behind the curtain here.

Thanks All!
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