*- On  3 Dec, Steve Lamb wrote about "Re: Outlook and HTML"
> Friday, December 03, 1999, 4:34:01 PM, Brian wrote:
>> *- On  3 Dec, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote about "Re: Outlook and HTML"
>>> On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 01:28:57AM -0500,
>>> Arcady Genkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> 1. Standard signature separator is "--" with a blank following it.
>>> Actually, it's "-- ". Notice the trailing space. Mutt, slrn, and
>>> Netscape all do this correctly. I'm sure most other software does as
>>> well.
>> To me the phrase '"--" with a blank following it' is the same as "-- ".
>     Well, to be a total technical nitpicky prick, no, it doesn't.  The
> complete sig delimiter is "-- \n" or "dash dash space newline".  Why do I
> point this out?  Because DOS loves to have CR/NL and MAC CR.  IIRC neither of
> those work as reliably as "-- \n".  :P

Well, to be a total nitpicky prick, I wasn't talking about the *correct*
delimiter.  I was talking about the equivalence of the two phrases. The
'"-- " notice the space' phrase makes not reference to the line
termination.  The '"--" with a blank following it' phrase makes no
reference to the line termination.  Thus *IMO* the two are the same.

I do agree that the *correct* delimiter is "dash dash space newline".

Enough nitpicking for me, 

Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering              |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University                   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

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