You may want to remove the (CHECK) from the end of the lines which
configure the IO addresses.  If you could send me the error messages,
I could tell you for sure.  Actually, you're whole isapnp.conf file
would be helpful too.


Subject: isapnp problems?
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 08:56:36 +0000

> Sorry for the legth of this one.
> I`m using potato and a 2.2.13 kernel. I`ve had a working modem for ages under 
> slink, but a floppy and an ethernet card that refused to work because of irq 
> and io errors so last night I tried to sort it out finally. It seems that 
> pnpdump --config had grabbed the floppy`s irq for the modem so I just did a 
> fresh pnpdump without uncommenting isapnp.conf and the floppy worked fine. 
> However when I tried to reconfigure the modem it only gave me the option of 
> irq3 which didn`t work or irq5 which was taken by the network card.
> After a lot of reading and teeth gnashing I gave up and removed the ethernet 
> card as it is unessential so as to put the modem back on irq5 where it always 
> was before. Now on boot isapnp tells me that that there`s a fatal error 
> trying to check the io because it`s already in use but the modem works fine.
> Is the kernel already doing isapnp`s job and if so can I get rid of isapnp 
> altogether or am I misunderstanding something again. :-)
> Thanks 
> Paul 
> -- 
> Paul Walton                 * Powered by *             
> Cambridge                * Debian GNU Linux *           
> U.K.                   * *
>   * PGP Public Key: *

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