[[previously to noavail sent to the listmaster]]

Dear People of the Debian Movement,

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, please redirect me.

For some month I enjoyed reading linux.debian.user, as all of a sudden
the fload of messages dropped drastically. Some months before my own
postings seased to appear too.  So it seems debian is getting hostile
against newsgroups:)  Or where those newsgroups 'illegal' to begin with?

I could switch to the digest of the mailinglist but I prefer news.
I could bridge the mailinglist locally, but I heard that you object.

So my questions are:
0) did Debian policy with respect to netnews change recently?
1) is there an official bridge to netnews?
2) is it possible to post (to debian-user) even if not subscribed?
   (I'll find out now:)
3) is it allowed to have a local bridge, and what pitfalls are to be

Thank you for your time.

groetjes, carel

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