The mouse isn't coming up in XWindows.  I've never seen it in text Emacs
before either so should it be there?  I've got a MSFT Bus mouse on IRQ4. 
The gpm is set to /dev/inportbm and the busmouse type.  Still it doesn't
seem to work.  Is there a configuration file where it could accidentally be
set to IRQ 3?

Under win95, the ISP has me disable DNS under TCP/IP in the network setup. 
I've not yet connected using LINUX, but during a previous Debian I came
"the closest"  out of all of the versions attempted.  The ISP's one Linux
dude said Debian was the most seemless PPP setup.

I've followed the ppp-howto under Redhat (which didn't work) but am
wondering about pppconfig under Debian.  

Under the current installation, pppconfig asked about DNS setup and I gave
it a couple of numbers reluctantly provided by my ISP.  When the
configuration was done and I attempted to connect, it the modem hung on
login with a loud squealing.  I can try again and give the contents of
/var/log/messages if that would help.

Now when I run pppconfig and set up a new connection, it never asks about
DNS and I would like to try disabling that.  In short, pppconfig appears to
be fairly buggy.  Where can I go to wipe the DNS information and try
pppconfig again on a new script with DNS disabled?  Please keep in mind
that this is all uncharted ground as I'm coming over from dos/windows.

TIA for any help with the mouse or ppp. I promise to check mouse-howto in
the meantime.

Comment:  I've had to add the cdrom line to the fstab after debian setup,
even after explicitly calling for cd support in the kernel during setup. 
If the setup can find the cd, shouldn't it put a line in fstab to get
beginners up and running sooner?


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