On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Blazej Sawionek wrote:

B.Sawi >> support in 2.0.x, which is the default in slink, isn't all that hot).
B.Sawi >What do you mean by that? I have a default Slink installation, I 
recompiled the kernel for SMP, and it _seems_ to work correctly (e.g. MATLAB 
benchmark shows a significant
B.Sawi >improvement of performance). In fact I'm a beginner in SMP so should I 
expect any problems in the future?

SMP support is minimal in 2.0 but it does work, i use 2.0.36 on a SMP
machine. I dont have faith in 2.2 just yet for my main servers.

B.Sawi >BTW: how to see how my system distributes the workload between the two 

you prob need 2.2 for that, there is a patch to procps, and you get a SMP
enabled top and ps. you can also try QPS which is SMP aware(requires 2.2
too i believe) as well as KDE's ktop. 

if you find a a way to get stats on a 2.0 SMP system let me know id like
to use it too.


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