> Any suggestions on how large to create my partitions based on the
> following usage:
> Apache *only local* for designing my database and HTML (not sure which
> mods), PHP, Mysql...
> GUI heavweights : X, KDE or Gnome, Star Office or Word Perfect,
> Netscape...
> I presume /user will have to be as large as I can make it.
> I'm concerned about root.
> On my first test installation under Red Hat 6 months ago I only had X,
> KDE and Netscape and whatever Red Hat insatlls by default with the
> following partitions: / 100MB, /home 100 MB,/user 250,swap 50MB.
> /root was already 80% full and too small at 100MB. how large would you
> recommend?

Swap 32--64 MB.
/    the rest of the disk.

If it's a serious installation (i.e. you're a linux user with a rather
old 504MB disk rather than a Windog user with a small linux installation
to play with), then I'd buy/beg another disk.

But I don't think people can specifiy partition sizes for you, as it
just depends on what you run, how much you keep and where, what sort
of removables you have etc. etc.


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Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
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