On 11/12/99 Nagilum wrote:

I've got a friend who is interested in installing a Linux distro on his
machine (probably a dual-boot with Win98, although he may decide to just
get a different machine).  At any rate, I'd seen some of the threads
regarding the potato boot-floppies and am concerned about whether they
actually work, and to what degree they are broken.  He's definitely going
to want to use X and to make it easier for him to keep up with the more
recent packages I'll recommend potato (rather than slink) to him,
assuming the installation disks are in a usable state.

the boot floppies in the current unstable/i386/boot-floppies/ (something like that) dated Oct 20 or so, I have used twice now on two machines and they worked perfectly, they are just like the slink versions except for installing potato instead of slink base.

I really don't know where this `boot floppies are broken' is coming from, all i have heard is they want boot floppies better then the slink versions (new features) and right now the potato versions are nothing new from the slink version...

you will have to recompile or install a new kernel image however the one installed with the base system does not have support for devpts. but who uses stock kernels anyway :-)

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/pgp/

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