
You are correct in that every image used for a background or shape takes up 
memory that slows down E.  The extras like the animations also take up memory 
so can slow it down.  The default theme is quite large, or there are certainly 
smaller ones, so check out e.themes.org for lots of choices.

I have 256MB of memory but find E a bit too chunky - looks great though.  I've 
switched to icewm and sawmill.


On Sat, Dec 11, 1999 at 06:02:58PM -0600, David J. Kanter wrote:
> Enlightenment, for the most part, is fun for me. But its slowness compared
> to something like Sawmill drives me a little nuts.
> What is it about E that slows it down? Certain themes are "faster" than
> others, which leads me to think that the theme has something to do with it.
> But is there anything else?
> -- 
> David J. Kanter
> "Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
> and coincidences."
>   -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University
> -- 
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