
There are two ways to turn off services in inetd.conf and in the /etc/rc.d/*.

As you've discovered you can turn off any service which is controlled by the 
super-server inetd by commenting it out and then restarting inetd e.g kill -HUP 
`cat /var/run/inetd.pid`.

Servers which are not controlled by inetd are started through the configuration 
scripts.  These are stored in /etc/rc.d/init.d and are executed at the runlevel 
the system is in: so for example if the system is in runlevel 3 then the 
scripts in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d are run.  You can find out what runlevel your system 
is in currently with the command runlevel and can find the default level the 
system will switch into by inspecting /etc/inittab; so for example mine shows 
that level 3 is the standard level on my system:
So to stop a particular server starting you need to find the script that starts 
it in the right runlevel directory and remove the symlink.  Shutdown to single 
user level and then come back up and the server should be no more.

Hope this helps,


On Sat, Dec 11, 1999 at 04:09:24PM -0800, Lev Lvovsky wrote:
> Hello,
> for the sake of knowing how to do such thigns, I'd like to turn off some 
> services that I feel comprimise my server security, and aren't being used.
> with portscan, this is what I get from a non-local host.
> 9 -> discard
> 13 -> daytime
> *21 -> ftp
> *22 -> ssh
> *23 -> telnet
> *25 -> smtp
> 37 -> time
> 53 -> domain
> 79 -> finger
> *80 -> www
> *110 -> pop-3
> 111 -> sunrpc
> 113 -> auth
> 512 -> exec
> 513 -> login
> 514 -> shell
> 515 -> printer
> the ones with the *'s are the things I KNOW I need...I'm sure there are 
> others that I need.
> the most annoying one is the sunrpc...i've tried renaming portmap, and 
> restarting inetd, but it's still there.
> thanks for any help!
> -lev
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