Mark Blunier hat gesagt: // Mark Blunier wrote:

> I'm trying to recompile the 2.2.13 kernel with alsa.  My custom
> kernel conflicts with alsa-modules-2.2.13, and I've tried
> the kernel-image-2.2.13_2.2.13-2.deb, but it also conflicts,
> (>> 2.2.13-1).  Is an old version of 2.2.13 available, or
> better yet, what do I need to do to be able to compile a
> kernel package that doesn't conflict with alsa modules?

Debian packages of alsa-modules depend on a specific revision number of
your debian package of the kernel-image. You should just recompile the
alsa modules when you recompile the kernel. If you're using make-kpkg
(preferred), make sure that you use the same revision number for the
kernel-image and the modules-image. 
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 Frank Barknecht       ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______
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