"(Ted Harding)" wrote:
> It is worth considering a camera that can record the JPEG file directly
> to a floppy disk -- either natively (the Sony Mavica was probably the
> earliest to do it this way) or using a bit of clip-on kit which you
> (The floppies used are in all cases -- as far as I know -- standard
> DOS-formatted floppies straight out of the box).

FWIW I have grabbed pics from a Mavica floppy with a Linux system.  I
mounted the floppy as a regular DOS type floppy and just grabbed the
.jpg's like any other.  The Mavica also creates a second file for every
pic it makes - I don't remember the extension but that file has no use
I've been able to figure out (probably something the camera uses

And the floppy that I had fed into the Mavica was a brand new never-used
one straight out of the box.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD           |  "Where do you want to go today?"
ICQ# 12934898                 |  "As far from Redmond as possible!"
'91 GS500E                    |
Morgantown WV                 |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

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