
Today will be my first Java day.

For slink it looks like you want jdk1.1, jdk1.1-dev, tya
and jre.  The two jdk's weight 12M each.

I also would like to be clued in on what's what.  I'm running
unstable.  I understand Sun just did some kind of end-run on
Blackdown.  Have they released something that is more current
and is suitable for Debian?


Last night, I grabbed the 22Meg JDK1.2 download from the following
link, after some hunting around, and being overwhelmed by the number
of downloads available at sun.  (I arrived at this link from Sun)


According to the README it is suitable for an "almost slink"
system.  I was having a problem for a little while with some
of the binaries (java, javap) not finding libjava.so. even
after adding the directory to ld.so.conf and rebuilding the
cache.  Ans I wasn't sure if the ending "." was part of the
error, or an unknown number, as most if not all of the files
I see listed in ldconfig -D have numeric versions.

In any case, it appears that if I specify the full path to
java, or add the path to my PATH, everything works OK!

So far, I have only viewed some of the examples from the demo
directory, and they appear to work in both the appletviewer and
by "java the_class_name".

I have not tried compiling yet, and have not downloaded the docs
yet.  These are my next steps.

The SW appears to be from March, but again this is the pre-release
1, which appears to be built for Debian 2.1 usage.

There are some notes about sound not fully working, and that
sound may not work or be "broken up".  The examples in the
Animator demo produced sounds, but there was a brief pause
between the different samples.

There was also some notes about the lack of a need to define the
CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables, as this kit
determines these based on where the stuff is installed.  This
is probably why I had trouble when not specifying the path to
"java", etc.  But it all appears to be working now, and it was
nice to read the short README seeing that installation is

If you are running potato, I would read the READMEs in the
directories, as you may want the pre-release 2.

John Miskinis

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