On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 16:35, Shao Zhang wrote:

>       I would like to know if it is possible:
>               to run two different web servers on the same physical
>               machine binded to two different ip addresses, both of
>               them using port 80
>       We have a specially situation where we need to run both zeus and
>       apache.

Try it. (This is always my first answer to this sort of question.)

You may have to muck with the config files of either or both web servers
to get them to ignore port 80 on IP addresses that don't "belong" to

I've done this with Apache and Roxen using ports 80 and 81,
respectively, but not with two servers on port 80. It's almost surely
possible but may not "drop in and run," something we Debian users
usually enjoy.  ;->

geek by nature, Linux by choice                     L I N U X       .~.
                                                    The Choice      /V\
http://www.ourmanpann.com/linux/                     of a GNU      /( )\
                                                    Generation     ^^-^^

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