Hi all,

I have a openldapd running on a potato. Whenever I upgrade
it, I find that the ldbm files fail me (ldapsearch fails).
If I revert to the old version the query is ok.
At last I downgraded, dumped all the contents,
then upgrade and run ldif2ldbm.
(Argh, I just find it in the critical bugs list..)
So, are there better ways to bypass that for now?
Or should I just mark it as hold for the moment?

And that I find that I can never login with the default
admin password that I typed when I install openldapd.
Everytime I tried (re)installing it it give me a {crypt}ed
password that is much longer than the expected one of 13

And then...... how to stop slapd from reporting every query?
I was trying "-s"..... for a value of "0" it is giving me more

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