On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 09:59, Paul Huygen wrote:
> Brian Lavender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here is the error I get:
> > [..]
> > I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
> > 
> > Is there supposed to be a latex.fmt somewhere on my system?
> > 
> Yes, there is. You can generate one using either a program "initex" or to 
> run TeX in a special way. Usually latex.fmt comes with the TeX
> distribution or it is generated on the fly during the installation of the
> TeX package. I suggest you to look at the documentation of your TeX
> package.

Alas, this won't work (I'm assuming the package from slink). Some
critical date has 'expired'. I saw that an upload to correct this
happened a few days ago so you might start looking for it in
incoming if you have access or proposed-updates.

An alternative (what I did when this happened to me a couple weeks ago)
is to go to the teTeX site and get the tarball and do a /usr/local/

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