you need at least 2.2.13 to run w/athlon.  you may find some unofficial
patches to run it with other kernels..but as far as "stock" kernels go you
need 2.2.13


On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Rob Rati wrote:

ratirh >I read a few posts that appeared lately that kinda confused me.  I am
ratirh >planning on building an AMD Athlon system very soon, and a few posts
ratirh >I've seen lately seem to imply that the 2.0.x kernels (ones that ship
ratirh >with stable dists thus far) don't like the Athlon proc.  Is this true?
ratirh >I want to install Debian 2.1 on it, but if the 2.0.x kernels have
ratirh >issuses with the Athlon, then this could prove more difficult than I had
ratirh >thought.  Are there issues with the Athlon proc and linux?  If so, what
ratirh >are they and how does one get around them?  Thanks.
ratirh >
ratirh >Rob
ratirh >
ratirh >
ratirh >-- 
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