First a peeve:

I am writing this because I am reminded by Rajesh's message.  He does what I
think *all of us* should do.
I think it is completely unhelpful for people to reply to "it doesn't work"
messages with "well, it works for me messages".  As a list it is a nuisance,
however, the real problem occurs with searches of archives and USENET.  The
reply includes the original message and thus a search returns these
offending messages.

Now, a response (keep in mind I have not installed Blackdown):

You are running /usr/local/jdk1.2.2/bin/java yet your path is
/usr/bin/jdk1.2.2/bin (something I have issue with, but that aside...).

Also, the native_threads and realpath variables seem to be relative, your
error mentions an absolute path.  This is a problem (and judging by the
"success" responses to which you refer, it is likely in your script

-----Original Message-----
From: Rajesh Radhakrishnan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 11:48 AM
To: David Teague
Cc: Debian Users Group
Subject: Re: Blackdown's jdk1.2.2 v3 does not run....


I downloaded v1 of jdk-1.2 from blackdown. I had no problems 
getting it to work after following the instructions in the 
README.linux file. I tested a program that uses the Swing library 
that comes with jdk-1.2 and it works just fine.

I have slink installed and all I did was to add /usr/jdk1.2/bin 
to PATH and usr/jdk1.2/lib to CLASSPATH. I also removed my jdk1.1 

Hope this helps.

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