On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, Mark Wagnon wrote:

> Hi all-
> I'm getting warning messages from my mailer-daemon about how it
> can't deliver mail. I've only sent three over the last few days, so
> that's all that have been postponed. My mail system was working as
> late as a week ago, but now seems to have stopped. I normally use
> exim and the exim.conf file is still intact. The only thing that I
> have done has been to upgrade my installation (potato) periodically.
> Did exim get hosed or something? 

i use sendmail instead of exim, but i suspect your
warning message says something to the effect that
it was unable to send your message within 'x' hours,
but that it will continue to try to send it.  sendmail
here is configured to send a warning after 8 hrs and
to continue trying for 5 days.  this sometimes happens
when people don't use their real email address, or
their mail server has problems.  i have a message in
my outgoing queue that's been there about 2 1/2 days,
because sendmail got an error (to be exact, "reply:
read error from xxxx.yyyy.com") while trying to
deliver it.  it'll probably be there until the 5 days
is up, then it'll be deleted, and i'll got another
message saying so.

as a test, you might try sending message to yourself
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and see if you get it back without
any errors.  if you do get a warning message, it's
probably a problem with exim.

hypnos              <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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