I'm still having a helluva time trying to make Lilo boot potato off
/dev/hdc1 (second HD). Nothing seems to work.

I have just tried (as Howard Mann suggested) booting potato's kernel
with my slink's lilo (which is installed in /dev/hda4 and works
perfectly for booting from there). What I did was the following:

1. Booted in slink (with root at /dev/hda4)
2. Mounted my potato's root partition /dev/hdc1 on /mnt/potatoroot.
3. Modified slink's lilo.conf to look thusly:
,----[ lilo.conf ]
| boot=/dev/hda4
| root=/dev/hda4
| install=/boot/boot.b
| map=/boot/map
| delay=200
| image = /zImage
|   label = slink
|   read-only
| image = /vmlinuz
|   label = old
|   read-only
| image = /mnt/potatoroot/zImage
|   label = potato
|   root = /dev/hdc1
|   read-only
4. Run "lilo". Its output looked totally normal (added slink, old,
5. Rebooted, and chose "potato" when "LILO boot:" prompt came up. Then
   I saw "Loading poato" message, and that's it (not a single dot).
6. After this failure I booted into potato from floppy, and
   uninstalled lilo from /dev/hdc1 (lilo -U). No problems.
7. Goto 5. No luck -- same result.

Now I'm going to investigate installing lilo on a floppy (to boot
kernel off /dev/hdc1). Right now I have to boot from a floppy that has
kernel on it, ant it takes *ages*. So, if booting from floppy doesn't
work too, I'm going to get that nice carving knife from the drawer in
the kitchen, and euthanize myself. 8^(

p.s. If you are reading this message and haven't followed my ramblings
of yesterday, I'll mention that it all started with LILO not wanting
to boot from /dev/hdc1. I have a mutlibooter installed in /dev/hda's
MBR, which picks up Lilo on /dev/hdc1, Lilo starts loading and hangs
at "LI".

As always, any suggestions highly appreciated!
Arcady Genkin                                 http://www.thpoon.com
"'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..'" (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

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