Hi *,
  I have a problem with console fonts display. The scenario is as follows: I
load a font from /usr/share/consolefonts (namely iso02grf.psf which comes
with embedded SFM), load the appropriate keyboard map (pl02.map) and expect
to see the Polish diacritics on the screen. However, this is not the case.
Instead I see the old characters from the CP437. Now, using showcfont
reveals that the characters are where they should be! A simple experiment:

> showkey --keymap

I press some keys that should produce the Polish diacritics (e.g.
RtAlt-l should give me E with a hatch) and I see the hex keycode (in the
sample case it's 0xb3) and, instead of seeing the character I expected, the
display shows me a character that in the table produced by showcfont
corresponds to one at the position 0xc7. Funnily enough, the character on
position 0xb3 in the same table is exactly the one I wanted to see! This
happens not only when I type, but also when I try to read some text with
Polish diacritics.

The machine runs latest potato. The thing is that at home, with the same
potato, everything works just fine!

I tried all combinations of consolechars invocations - with and without ACMs
and SFMs and it still doesn't display as it should even though the keyboard
produces correct codes...

Anyone has any idea what it might be? :)


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