sounds like the JDK bug with newer kernels, see the linux-kernel mailing
list or the archives of this list, the solution is usually downgrade the
kernel or upgrade your JDK.

this bug only affects older JDK with newer kernels, JDK tries to call an
undocumented /proc file and pukes when it can't find it.  linux-kernel
developers said it was a bad bug, and no program should rely on /proc for
anything as it is not a "finished" file system things are still changing
in it often and programs can break if they do rely on /proc


On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Mike Werner wrote:

reznae >I recently installed jdk onto my potato box - one of my classes this
reznae >semester is programming in Java.  The problem I am having is that every
reznae >time I try to run javac to do the byte-compile I get the message:
reznae >Cannot open /proc/04505 for GC
reznae >The number here   ^^^^^ is different every time.  I even tried doing the
reznae >javac command as root and got the same message, except for the number.
reznae >What has me the most confused is I got it to work once.  But then it 
reznae >worked again.
reznae >
reznae >I found that these two environment variables are needed - I'm really not
reznae >sure about the CLASSPATH though.  What documentation there is says that
reznae >it's a variable that's needed, but says nothing about what to put into
reznae >it.
reznae >CLASSPATH=.:/usr/lib/jdk1.1/lib
reznae >FLAGS_CLASS=-green
reznae >
reznae >HAL9000:~/cs136$ dpkg -l jdk*
reznae >Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge
reznae >| 
reznae >|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: 
reznae >||/ Name           Version        Description
reznae >un  jdk-shared     <none>         (no description available)
reznae >un  jdk-static     <none>         (no description available)
reznae >ii  jdk1.1         1.1.7v3-2      JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit) - 
Runtime o
reznae >ii  jdk1.1-dev     1.1.7v3-2      JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit)
reznae >ii  jdk1.1-native  1.1.7v3-2      JDK 1.1.x Runtime - native threads 
reznae >ii  jdk1.1-native- 1.1.7v3-2      JDK 1.1.x - native threads extensions
reznae >un  jdk1.1-runtime <none>         (no description available)
reznae >
reznae >Apparently the jdk-runtime package has been replaced by jdk1.1  What 
reznae >the jdk-shared and jdk-static packages?  I couldn't find any mention of 
reznae >one in the Packages files in /var/state/apt/lists so I'm presuming they 
reznae >have been superceeded.
reznae >
reznae >My system here is potato - did an apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade 
reznae >or three days ago.  I'm runing kernel 2.2.13  Does anyone have any
reznae >suggestions?
reznae >-- 
reznae >Mike Werner  KA8YSD           |  "Where do you want to go today?"
reznae >ICQ# 12934898                 |  "As far from Redmond as possible!"
reznae >'91 GS500E                    |
reznae >Morgantown WV                 |  Only dead fish go with the flow.
reznae >
reznae >
reznae >-- 
reznae >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
reznae >

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