On 20/1/2000 mpx wrote:

yestarday i installed debian for the first time, and finally i am
through this dselect-jungle;-)
now i try since a few hours to eliminate this
i would like to logon my machine in the console.
so i did like i did on my redhat-box, changing in /etc/inittab, but in
debian this seems not to work.
in xf86config there's no option to change this.

anyone else who had to handle this as well?

rm /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm

or update-rc.d -f xdm remove

but then the next time xdm is upgraded the links will be put back so in that case i would then do

update-rc.d xdm start 5 . stop 0 1 2 3 4 6 .

then you have redhat like behaviour, boot to runlevel 5 -> get X otherwise console.

you could always remove xdm too, unless a bunch of other things depend on it for some reason..

Ethan Benson
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