what kind of machine is it on? i had a similar problem on an old P100 IBM
machine it wouldnt work with any PCI NIC for longer then 10-15 minutes,
the network would die as well..my solution was to just use an ISA card.

you could also try upgrading the driver.. check NASA's site-- i forget the
URL go to http://yahoo.aphroland.org and search for nasa i got a link to
it. Even if you have the latest kernel chances are the NIC drivers are
still very old.


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, [iso-8859-1] Jos? Luis G?mez Dans wrote:

j.l.go >Hi!
j.l.go >        I'm having some trouble with my ethernet card (a PCI fast
j.l.go >ethernet RealTek 8139). Basically, this card sits in 0xe800, IRQ 11 and
j.l.go >is perfectly detected by the rt8139 driver. It is configured to work in
j.l.go >half duplex mode.
j.l.go >
j.l.go >        When the system boots up, it all works fine, it is
j.l.go >connected to our local network (10Mb Ethernet), and normal operation
j.l.go >starts. However, if I try to download a large file off the network, the
j.l.go >collisions LED in the hub starts flashing. When I had another computer
j.l.go >here with an ISA card, none of this happened.
j.l.go >
j.l.go >        Moreover, I have been experiencing problems with the downloaded 
j.l.go >files: it turns out that sometimes the archives are corrupted. I have
j.l.go >downloaded Debian packages and have had probmes as they cannot be
j.l.go >decompressed.
j.l.go >
j.l.go >        In the end, and after a while of normal use (only as a client
j.l.go >for internet uses, such as e-mail, web, usenet, ftp and telnet; no fancy
j.l.go >networked filesystems or stuff like that), the network becomes invisible
j.l.go >to my machine. The ifconfig configuration stays there, with proper IP
j.l.go >address and all that. However, route and netstat seem to freeze up when
j.l.go >showing my gateway table. In the end, the default gateway never shows
j.l.go >up. The only way around this has been to reboot.
j.l.go >
j.l.go >        Does anyone know what could be going wrong here?
j.l.go >        Thanks for your help,
j.l.go >        Jos?
j.l.go >
j.l.go >-- 
j.l.go >Jos? L G?mez Dans                       PhD student
j.l.go >                                        Radar & Communications Group
j.l.go >                                        Department of Electronic 
j.l.go >                                        University of Sheffield UK
j.l.go >
j.l.go >
j.l.go >-- 
j.l.go >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
j.l.go >

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