Ok..i've been playing around with this for the past 2 hours and still its
not doing what i'm expecting it to do ..(i just ordered the sendmail book
from www.ora.com to help me too) i reconfigured sendmail to use
mailertables(via sendmailconfig) and set /etc/mail/mailertable to include:

.aphroland.org  smtp:firetrail.com
.mac-resources.com      smtp:firetrail.com

but it appeaars it is ignoring the mailertable(i've restarted sendmail ~50
times) totally. it still refuses to send mail unless the user exists
locally or the domain is not hosted/MX'd by me. 

another thing -- the domains themselves (i.e. the ip for aphroland.org) is
hosted on galactica(the one with the problem) while the MX is on bebo(the
mail server) does this introduce any odd things that may cause this to
happen? i still think the mailertable should work..but apparently its not.

*big sigh*



On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, Allan M. Wind wrote:

wind >On 2000-01-22 22:39:50, aphro wrote:
wind >
wind >> I have 2 machines that handle 99% of my accounts.  1 is acting mail
wind >> server(bebo.firetrail.com) and the other does everything
wind >> else(galactica.firetrail.com)
wind >> 
wind >> all of the domains i host MX to mail.firetrail.com (which goes to
wind >> bebo.firetrail.com).
wind >
wind >Ok.
wind >
wind >> 
wind >> on galactica.firetrail.com, if i mail to a user, and the user exists on
wind >> the local machine, the mail system mails to that user (e.g. echo "test" 
wind >> mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) however if the local user does NOT exist it
wind >> returns "user unknown" this only appears to happen when the local user
wind >> does not exist. although it shouldnt matter since no domains for mail 
wind >> hosted on galactica.firetrail.com (other then galactica.firetrail.com) 
wind >> system doesn't know to send the mail to
wind >> bebo.firetrail.com(mail.firetrail.com)
wind >
wind >Clearly, you are hosting something on galactica, otherwise mail for
wind >your "local" user would be forwarded to your other machine.  What is
wind >the mx record for galactica?  Do you have a domain hosted on bebo and
wind >some users from that domain on galactica?  If so, you will need to
wind >either accept [EMAIL PROTECTED] on galactica (and nothing else) or
wind >rewrite their addresses to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wind >
wind >> any ideas?? i figure its a procmail thing..or is sendmail misconfigured?
wind >
wind >Almost definately a mta problem (e.g. sendmail).  If the above doesn't
wind >help I would need to see your sendmail config files (including
wind >/etc/mailname).
wind >
wind >
wind >/Allan
wind >-- 
wind >Allan M. Wind                     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wind >P.O. Box 2022                     Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
wind >Woburn, MA 01888-0022             Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)
wind >

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   Vice President Network Operations       http://www.firetrail.com/
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       Everett, WA 425-348-7336            http://www.linuxpowered.net/
            Powered By:                    http://comedy.aphroland.org/
    Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP            http://yahoo.aphroland.org/
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