On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 10:09:20AM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > I am running Potato on an P3.. and have a DHCP server with some
> > Windows 95 clients. However, when those Windows 95 boot up they cannot
> > get an IP from the DHCP server. (according to the logs the DHCP server
> > have already offered the IPs.) When I run "winipcfg" and manually
> > refresh the DHCP settings it works most of the times. Sometimes the
> > interface refuses to update the IP. There was once a Windows NT DHCP
> > server running with no problems (and was replaced by the Debian
> > server). Is it possible that I have misconfigured something?
> It's likely that you've misconfigured something, however we need to know
> more about how your network is set up: the locations of routers & hubs &
> so on.
I am not responsible for the network set-up so I cannot tell
for sure, but I think everything is connected to a big
Ethernet switch.. The network is connected to the external network
through a machine (IP: 10.1x.x.1) that acts also as a WWW proxy
server. First DNS server, as well as the DHCP server, is on
10.1x.x.2.. I can't remember the exact IPs, but I guess they
shouldn't matter..?

> Are you using ISC's DHCP server software?  If you are, it might help to
> see a configuration that's been working for me for quite some time:
> http://tux.creighton.edu/~pbrutsch/dhcpd.conf.
Yes, I am using ISC's DHCP server.

My configuration file is similar... equally short.
The only differences that I can remember (save from choices of
IPs) are:
1) I put the "routers" and "domain-name-servers" lines outside
   of the subnet bracket
2) I have set up more than 1 DNS server, separated by commas
3) lease times are shorter.. like a few hours. Am I supposed to
   use lease time that long?

> > Clients uses Intel EEpro* cards, and the server uses a D-Link card
> > with the chip from Davicom (using via-rhine modules)
> The ethernet cards shouldn't make a difference.

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